Tutorials Talk:Stairs&Lifts&Elevators

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Revision as of 12:21, 24 November 2006 by Niol (Talk | contribs)

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it may be good to divide different types of stairs especially normal stairs and stealth stairs...

The latter can be used in very different ways.  The former is especially good for decorations.

Note: all these stair types are mostly made of the connecting/modular stiars rather than the all-in-one staircases

for the normal stair types:
1. L-shaped stairs or stairs with 1-landing.
2. U-shaped stairs, 180-degree stairs, or stairs with 2 landings (including the z-shpaed stairs)
3. grand stairs
4. rectangularly "spiral" stairs

For stealth stairs:
1. basic stealth stairs
2. aerial stealth stairs
3. burial stealth stairs

Good idea, I was kind of wondering what to do with all those stairs. Would a new builder know the difference though? What are "Grand Stairs"? When would you use "Aerial Stealth Stairs"? We'd have to come up with classifications that are easy enough to use for newbies. Delphy 06:05, 24 November 2006 (EST)

Thanks... Probably show 1 thnumnail preview of the resultant build feature, so people can have a concise idea of what the build-feature tutorial is about.

As for conceptual or info tutorials, they may be categorised through the build tool, cheat and/or else... Yet, the strategy used is more important than anything else for them coz they're to enable people to know what published ways they can try out and probably use in the future.niol 11:21, 24 November 2006 (EST) (sorry forgot to sign.)

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